How many birthdays do you have? I have one. I think most people have one. But somehow my kids seem to get to celebrate their birthdays two...three times...or more!
Well first, the day of their birthday they get to pick where they want to go for dinner. Like Brendon picked Chili's where we ate too much and they sang him a funny birthday song.
Then there's the classroom birthday celebration. Brendon's too old for that now (thankfully) but Chloe's teacher is ALL organized and she asked to celebrate Chloe's classroom birthday on the 25th. Thus, the goodies.

So Chloe and I made cupcakes inside of ice cream cones, which when frosted with a candy placed on top resembles a real ice cream cone - but it's a cupcake. Cute, right?
When I took pictures of the classroom goodies, I quickly realized they looked like a tray full of boobies. It may be that they don't really look like boobies and the people in this house have some weird obsession with boobies.

Like the time when I blew up some pink balloons for little girl's birthday party - they just kept popping half way blown. So I made them small. But the ends wouldn't expand and stayed a darker pink (nipple-esque). Basically I was decorating the room with a bunch of D-cups.
Getting back to the myriad party/celebrations. Sometimes there's a family party AND a friend party. If I'm feeling particularly ambitious, we may combine both kids and family/friends. Like one year when we had about 50 people in our back yard.
Both our kids have their birthday in September (21st and 28th) - one week apart. So we try to combine them as much as possible, which doesn't always work out. This year, Brendon worked with me on his birthday so we're having one family party on Chloe's day to celebrate both kids birthdays.
Plus, many people in our lives have birthdays in September: my sister is the 15th, my father in law is the 25th (shoot, that's tomorrow!), Chloe's good friend next door was earlier in the month, one of Brendon's good friends is the 26th, and I know there's more I'm not thinking of right now. (Oh, and Happy B-day to my friend Dan Lam today!)
So if you have a birthday this month, welcome to the club. Your booby cupcakes will be on their way, just as soon as I finish blowing up a fresh pair of pink puppies.